AdwOne – Advertisers

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Centralize all your campaigns in one tool

Create, manage and optimize all your media buying operations with a dedicated management tool.


They trust AdwOne

Say goodbye to media buying headaches

Centralize your media expenses, plan your future actions and export the results of your campaigns in a few clicks

Thanks to AdwOne, you will no longer have to plan and track your media expenses on Excel sheets. You can now consolidate all of your clients’ spending (press, TV, radio, billboards, digital…) in a single tool to optimize your time.

You will be able to manage and track expenses in real time thanks to a fully customizable dashboard. Reporting is also simplified thanks to the automated and customizable format, model and content you want for each client.

All your operations are now done in a few clicks via an interface optimized for your needs.


Benefit from an evolving database of all media

Want to know how much a page in Elle magazine would cost you in France? An advert on the BBC? A billboard in Berlin?

We provide you with a complete and unique media reference system to facilitate your decision making. The database is evolving and learning, according to the evolution of the market, so that you are always up to date.

In addition to costs, the tool offers you a database of media, nomenclature and inventory to optimize your organization. You will also have access to the technical and commercial contacts of the different supports.

Collaborate in real time with your teams

AdwOne adapts to your organization, and you can define the scope of action of your teams as you wish, from administrator to simple user.

Each action performed on your space is automatically recorded and can be visible to some or all users.

The tool is also connected to the main billing and ERP tools on the market to facilitate internal collaboration and make your operations more efficient. The automatic backup prevents you from losing any information.

Manage all your international campaigns with currency management and customized exchange rates

An advertising campaign has been launched in the USA? You need to reference the cost in Dollars?

AdwOne allows you to manage currencies and exchange rates directly through the interface. The tool references more than 15 currencies, and others can be added according to your needs.

The management and reporting of your clients’ international campaigns are therefore included in the same dashboard to simplify monitoring and reporting.

Easy onboarding

Ready to use

AdwOne is designed for companies that need to work efficiently, its installation is simple and fast. Focus on the essentials.


AdwOne is scalable to fully adapt to your needs. Integrate your tools, customize your branding, and edit the interfaces.

Personalized support

We assist you from the training to the use of the tool to make it easier for you to get started.

About Adwanted Group

The world’s leading media and advertising companies rely on us to provide information and software that helps them optimize their work and that of their clients.

We help agencies, media and advertising companies improve their productivity and efficiency on a daily basis. More than 1,500 subscribers use our services today.

With AdwOne, our ambition is to help companies aim higher and go further, by simplifying their advertising operations to the maximum.

Trusted by over 1k+ companies

Frequently asked questions

AdwOne works on a subscription basis and the price varies according to your needs (features and number of users). Book a time slot with our sales team via the demo to evaluate your needs.

  • Press campaign : inserts, classic insertions, …
  • Digital campaign: OTC
  • TV campaign: TV sponsoring, linear TV
  • OOH campaign: advertising panels
  • Radio campaign : radio spots, …

AdwOne references over 15 currencies, and more can be added upon request.

All repetitive tasks, such as reporting, are automated. You can set the frequency, recipients, content and design of the reports.

It is possible to link AdwOne to the main tools on the market. To find out if AdwOne is linked to your invoicing tool or your ERP, book a time slot with our sales team via the demo to talk about it.

As much as you want, we adapt to your needs.

Ce que disent nos clients



Gestion / reporting

Suivi et reporting de vos campagnes plurimédia


La solution de media planning presse et digital en France

Pige publicitaire

Analysez vos investissements, les audiences GRP associés et construisez votre benchmark

Réservation d'espace

Gestion de campagnes et d’inventaires TV, radio et digitaux


Optimisation de plans plurimédias


Traitement des données de pige plurimédia


La solution de media planning presse et digital en France

Gestion d'antenne

Gestion de grilles des programmes TV
